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Do you remember that one annoying friend who always had a camera handy to record those embarrassing or strange events that happened while growing up?

I was that person.

I always had at least a disposable camera with me at all times. It was my goal to have strange pictures of all of my friends in high school, so I could carry the disposable cameras around and not worry about damaging my real camera. The pictures were not professional by any means, but I treasure those pictures I took growing up. I shudder to think of how much money was spent on film and developing those pictures.

I later went to college majoring in film, and taking graphics classes for fun. I knew I wanted to do something visual, and thought film could be a great career. Unfortunately, as I got closer to graduating I had to work on actual student films and I realized I hated it. I was never going to be George Lucas, how sad.

Part of me had forgotten about how fulfilling it was for me to take pictures after my college experience. It took my husband taking me to a pawn shop and buying a used Fuji Finepix S7000 (a few years old by this time) to remind me how much I love taking pictures. That camera served me well and made me realize that a true passion in my life is photography. I’m learning more and more every day. I now upgraded to a Nikon D5000, and it is never far from my side.

I intend not only to share the pictures I take, but also different ways that I’m capturing them and all the fun gear I’m acquiring along the way. (I have a strange obsession with camera bags and tripods.)

I’m learning a lot about photography as well as myself. But the one greatest thing I have learned is that life is beautiful, and I hope I can capture it through the lens.